Apache NiFi is an open source platform and gives developers the options to add their custom processor in the NiFi library. Follow these steps to create a custom processor.
- Download Maven latest version from the link given below.
- Add an environment variable named M2_HOME and set value as the installation directory of maven.
- Download Eclipse IDE from the below link.
- Open command prompt and execute Maven Archetype command.
> mvn archetype:generate
- Search for the nifi type in the archetype projects.
- Select org.apache.nifi:nifi-processor-bundle-archetype project.
- Then from the list of versions select the latest version i.e. 1.7.1 for this tutorial.
- Enter the groupId, artifactId, version, package, and artifactBaseName etc.
- Then a maven project will be created having to directories.
- nifi-<artifactBaseName>-processors
- nifi-<artifactBaseName>-nar
- Run the below command in nifi-<artifactBaseName>-processors directory to add the project in the eclipse.
mvn install eclipse:eclipse
- Open eclipse and select import from the file menu.
- Then select “Existing Projects into workspace” and add the project from nifi-<artifactBaseName>-processors directory in eclipse.
- Add your code in public void onTrigger(ProcessContext context, ProcessSession session) function, which runs when ever a processor is scheduled to run.
- Then package the code to a NAR file by running the below mentioned command.
mvn clean install
- A NAR file will be created at nifi-
-nar/target directory. - Copy the NAR file to the lib folder of Apache NiFi and restart the NiFi.
- After successful restart of NiFi, check the processor list for the new custom processor.
- For any errors, check ./logs/nifi.log file.
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